Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Mark Edmundson has written:  "Real reading is reincarnation.   
. . .    It is being born again into a higher form of consciousness than we ourselves possess.  when we walk the streets of Manhattan with Walt Whitman or contemplate our hopes for eternity with Emily Dickinson, we are reborn into more ample and generous minds."

                       W. Andrew Ewell   October 11, 2014

Sunday, October 12, 2014

My Latest Project

In Tennessee last month, my Aunt Jo and I edited a booklet I have put together of letters from my
Uncle George when he was on the USS Lamar 1944 - 1946.   Because we are presently too lazy to
read script, I typed a large number of letters he wrote to her during WWII and they will be put into booklets along with copies of newspaper clippings and memorabilia.   Close relatives will all get
a copy.   My aunt (who is now 97) is excellent at editing and we spent 9 hours together going over
all the details of the project.     I would not trade this wonderful experience. . .