Twenty-one million people in the world today crawl because of land mines, cluster bombs, war, and birth defects. The leg handicapped cannot work or carry on daily activities of living. Often they lie in dark back rooms of houses and are left out of the mainstream of life.
In 1994 an idea was conceived. . .Methodist missionaries from Zaire, Larry and Laura Hills, said, “We need hand-cranked, sturdy, affordable wheelchairs with hauling capacity for the many persons we have with leg disabilities. They must travel very rough roads and trails.”
Here in the heartland of the United States, United Methodists designed and built prototypes of these wheelchairs for testing. Personal Energy Transportation (P.E.T.) was launched! Today P.E.T. International sends PETs all over the world and the organization has become inter-denominaltional.
At the 2008 annual conference, personal donations bought 600 PETs
which will be assembled in our region and sent to Africa or South America. John Wesley’s three simple rules included “Do good”,and we strive to do just that.
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