Thursday, July 17, 2008

The States as seen by British media. . .

The cardinal rule for our visits to London is to spend as little money as possible.   We stay with Susanne and Jens in their flat and eat primarily at home.   However, I do require a daily newspaper as the perspective on American news is enlightening.   Immediately, I was rankled to learn that British food costs are up 40%, and the cause is determined to be  production of ethanol from corn by American farmers.   Of course, a grain of truth exists  (no pun intended!), but I suspect a conspiracy to cover up real facts.   Transportation costs have to be a major factor, and the oil industry tries to deflect attention to biofuels.   We live in such  a fog of misinformation.  

The Times and The Guardian fret over the American economy and credit card debt.   Lionel Shriver says tersely, `SUVs are petro-pigs. . .they emblemize everything about Americans that the rest of the world detests:  greedy, wasteful and oblivious to the future.'
Always eye-opening to see ourselves as others see us.

Sad to see Susanne's neighborhood Woolworth's decimated by shoppers at its' closing.   Likewise, Linens and Things and a number of other stores in the Midwest are shutting their doors.     "Under a Tenner" has opened in the next block.   Americans, read that "Under a Twenty Dollar Bill."   Our Dollar Stores would be trampled by desperate bargain hunters in the UK.   Travel advertisements for vacations in the States  are very reasonable; shopping is a big draw.   Our country is the great bargain basement at the moment!   

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